TLP185 Toshiba (東芝) 光耦合器/光隔離器
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Toshiba 光耦合器,Toshiba
Office Machine
Programmable Controllers
AC Adapter
I/O Interface Board
The TOSHIBA mini flat couplerTLP185is a small outline coupler, suitable for surface mount assembly. TLP185 consist of a photo transistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode. Since TLP185 is smaller than DIP package, it’s suitable for high-density surface mounting applications such as programmable controllers
•Collector−emitter voltage: 80V (min)
• Current transfer ratio: 50% (min) Rank GB: 100% (min)
• Isolation voltage: 3750Vrms (min)
• Operation Temperature:-55 to 110 ˚C
•Safety Standards