ISO7816 (part 1-3)異步智能卡資料
發(fā)布時間:2008/6/3 0:00:00 訪問次數:646
- contents - i ) introduction of the iso7816 standard: the iso7816 standard are separated in 3 different parts the following organisations should be contacted for more details: - iso (international standard institute) 2.1 - iso7816-1 standard the iso7816 standard define many physical features, but here we are only going to describe the more intesting features. * ultra violet light : any protection beyond the ambiant uv light level shall be to the responsability of the card manufacturer. 2.2 - iso7816-2 standard 2.2.1) minimal contact size : 2.2.2) pin's position : 2.2.3) pin assignement: 2.2.4) contact location:
i ) introduction of the iso7816 standard
ii ) summary of the iso7816 standard
2.1 - iso7816-1 standard
2.2.1) minimal contact size
2.2.2) pin's position
2.2 - iso7816-2 standard
2.2.3) pin assignement
2.2.4) contact location
2.3 - iso7816-3 standard
2.3.1) electrical signals description:
2.3.2) voltage and current values:
2.3.3) operating procedure for integrated circuit(s) cards:
2.3.4) answer to reset:
ii ) summary of the iso7816 standard:
- iso7816-1 which define the physical characteristics of the card.
- iso7816-2 which define dimension and contact position of the card.
- iso7816-3 which define the electical signals and transmission protocols.
- cen (comit eurpen de normalisation)
rue brderote 2
b-1000 brussels
case postale 56
ch-1211 genve 20
* x-rays : exposure of either side of the card to a dose of 0.1 gy'relative to a medium-energy x radiation of 70 to 140 kv (cumulative dose per year) shall not cause malfunction of the card.
* surface profile of the contacts : the difference in level between all contacts and the adjacent card surface shall be less than 0.1 mm.
* mecanical strenght (of the card and contact) : the card shall resist damage to its surface and any components contained in it and shall remain intact during normal use, storage and handling. surface (with pins) must not be damaged by a pression caused by a steel ball of 1.5 mm diameter on which is applied a strenght of 1.5 n.
* electrical resistance : all the resistances measured between any two points of the pins must not be over 0.5 ohm, with any current value from 50 ua to 300 ma.
* magnetic field : the chip of the card must not be damaged by a static magnetic field of 79500
* static electricity : the card must not be damaged by a electrical discharge of 1500 v of a 100 pf capacitor trought a 1500 ohm resistance.
* card maximal bending :
a - large side of the card - deformation (f) : 2 cm - periodicity : 30 bendings a minute
b - short side of the card - deformation (f) : 1 cm - periodicity : 30 bendings a minute
acceptance: the card must work correctly and must not have any crackings after 1000 bendings.
c1 : vcc = 5v c5 : gnd
c2 : reset c6 : vpp
c3 : clock c7 : i/o
c4 : rfu c8 : rfu
all the sizes are in milimeters
iso7816 location afnor location
nb: the afnor location is transitional, and has been used for
- contents - i ) introduction of the iso7816 standard: the iso7816 standard are separated in 3 different parts the following organisations should be contacted for more details: - iso (international standard institute) 2.1 - iso7816-1 standard the iso7816 standard define many physical features, but here we are only going to describe the more intesting features. * ultra violet light : any protection beyond the ambiant uv light level shall be to the responsability of the card manufacturer. 2.2 - iso7816-2 standard 2.2.1) minimal contact size : 2.2.2) pin's position : 2.2.3) pin assignement: 2.2.4) contact location:
i ) introduction of the iso7816 standard
ii ) summary of the iso7816 standard
2.1 - iso7816-1 standard
2.2.1) minimal contact size
2.2.2) pin's position
2.2 - iso7816-2 standard
2.2.3) pin assignement
2.2.4) contact location
2.3 - iso7816-3 standard
2.3.1) electrical signals description:
2.3.2) voltage and current values:
2.3.3) operating procedure for integrated circuit(s) cards:
2.3.4) answer to reset:
ii ) summary of the iso7816 standard:
- iso7816-1 which define the physical characteristics of the card.
- iso7816-2 which define dimension and contact position of the card.
- iso7816-3 which define the electical signals and transmission protocols.
- cen (comit eurpen de normalisation)
rue brderote 2
b-1000 brussels
case postale 56
ch-1211 genve 20
* x-rays : exposure of either side of the card to a dose of 0.1 gy'relative to a medium-energy x radiation of 70 to 140 kv (cumulative dose per year) shall not cause malfunction of the card.
* surface profile of the contacts : the difference in level between all contacts and the adjacent card surface shall be less than 0.1 mm.
* mecanical strenght (of the card and contact) : the card shall resist damage to its surface and any components contained in it and shall remain intact during normal use, storage and handling. surface (with pins) must not be damaged by a pression caused by a steel ball of 1.5 mm diameter on which is applied a strenght of 1.5 n.
* electrical resistance : all the resistances measured between any two points of the pins must not be over 0.5 ohm, with any current value from 50 ua to 300 ma.
* magnetic field : the chip of the card must not be damaged by a static magnetic field of 79500
* static electricity : the card must not be damaged by a electrical discharge of 1500 v of a 100 pf capacitor trought a 1500 ohm resistance.
* card maximal bending :
a - large side of the card - deformation (f) : 2 cm - periodicity : 30 bendings a minute
b - short side of the card - deformation (f) : 1 cm - periodicity : 30 bendings a minute
acceptance: the card must work correctly and must not have any crackings after 1000 bendings.
c1 : vcc = 5v c5 : gnd
c2 : reset c6 : vpp
c3 : clock c7 : i/o
c4 : rfu c8 : rfu
all the sizes are in milimeters
iso7816 location afnor location
nb: the afnor location is transitional, and has been used for